Friday, June 3, 2011

The Communist Baba

So Baba Ramdev wants to do amaran anshan or in English Fast Unto Death to end corruption in India. He wants to bring back all money stashed by Indians in swiss bank accounts and those with money in such banks should be hanged according to him.. Fuck man.. I though with the recent reverses in west bengal, we had seen the last of 'lal salaam' in India. Clearly, Communist funding in India has found a new outlet.. This man who has earned the following of mindless zombies impressed by his two bit breathing exercises is seeking to disrupt the normal functioning of democracy in India and essentially attempting to bring about a communist revolution..

Now I am the first one who is against corruption.. but his methods are nothing but disruptive. There are merits to his arguments, but you cant go about making laws which make those people vulnerable who have creative ways of making money through forex trading and overseas consultancy gigs. Such income can escape taxation in India legally. For example, If I sitting in New Delhi, consult on some foreign project anywhere in the world and am paid in Us dollars which I choose to keep in a foreign bank. This in principle is hard earned money which I choose to keep in a foreign bank to avoid paying taxes on it. This transaction is legal and no law in any country can make me pay taxes on it.

another example is fluctuations in prices of gold. I buy gold in Indian rupees, take it with me abroad and sell it in Us dollars and again keep the money in a swiss bank account. I cannot be compelled to pay taxes on the profit that i make on such a transaction unless of course I reside in china

the point here is that there is a fine line between bending the rules and illegal black money which for example comes from scams such as CWG scam, 2G scam and so forth. Yes there is a need for greater transparency and recovery of such funds. but that would come through generic evolution and on case by case basis. Not all Indians who have swiss bank accounts are traitors. I urge people who are into ramdev breathing and kundalini bullshit to use the things he preaches and think.. Does a rapidly growing economy with global business making multiple investments need political instability??

BTW babaji, where does all the chanda come from for your trust and all?? I hope you are paying some taxes on it..

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