Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the journey, the destination and the fun

1.) the begining (outside san jose)

I recently started on an absolute fun journey from san jose to LA to phoenix to death valley and back to san jose. This photo blog will describe in pictures and not in words the journey that i undertook with my uncles family to lands so beautiful so pristine that words are insufficient to describe them and as they say, a picture says a thousand words:

 3.) sunrise in san bernadino

4.)  morning walk in san beradino. The peaks were awesome!!We went chasing them later in the day

5.) We robbed steve and barrys in san bernadino point blank :P. After we were done for over 5 hours in two shifts there was nothing left there

6.) Glow Golfing: a kids delight and favourite time pass while parents do the boring shopping.

7.) who says sun and snow cannot coexist? we waned to so to some lake ended up going to san bernadino park while chasing snow clad peaks on serpentine roads. Totally awesome experience!!

8.) Our curious attempt at making a snow man

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