Tuesday, September 21, 2010

down with the propagandist website wallahs

Mr Prashant Baveja, we are choosing not to respond to your self-boasting and idiotic posts and comments. You clearly aren't worthy of the time we have already spent on you. The right opportunity, shall be the the moment of strike. It is only a matter of time, before your own doings reflect in your listed credentials. We did not mean to attack you really, but what you did on SaveDCE facebook group is shameful. You indeed spread lies, instigated students and abused the head of your alma mater. This alone demonstrates your integrity and credibility. You shall be sorry, because we live our life carrying all our karma's on our shoulder (and this one will weigh heavy on you).

well this is what I get for my previous post. obviously the matters of DCE are beyond the paygrade of this blogspot operator. he just barks at everybody who has an opinion against PB sharma for job references.. I now am pretty sure the person(s) behind the blogspot operation is a website wallah from 2010 or 2011 batch looking for recommendations from sh P.B. Sharma.. look at his wordings.. he suffers from the same megalomaniac disorder as PB sharma does. the case of paintal vs DUTA is far more complex than your pea sized brain can comprehend.. In most world class institutions as claimed by your priya PB sharma, the teachers are paid by semester. If paintal wants to start a semester system he should also look at corresponding renumeration models.. why should teachers grade twice the number of exams and course materials for thankless SOBs like you who question their credentials while not getting paid.. dude all coins have two sides.. you make a war cry har har mahadev wear a langot a defend PB Sharma.. perhaps PB sharma should put RFID tags in all your underwears so that he knows when you shits or take a leak.. Jabalpur university is another issue.. are u telling me that there are maoists in DTU campus that cell phone jammers should be installed?? oh come on.. grow a pair and accept the fact that every individual has a right o privacy.. last i checked this was a democracy..

oh and my comments were boastful and idiotic u said?? well you called me a b-grade shame to DCE... so i thought maybe i should put my creds on the table and ask u to put yours.. obviously you have none... so i wasnt boasting. I was just putting my point on the table. If I were boasting, I wud put a complete list of creds on the table which is more than twice of wat i choose to reveal.. so stop whinning like a little puppy..

and who are you to decide my karma?? you sick individual, all i did was to ask VC to take moral responsibility for lathi charge on students and the violence that happened on campus. even if he did not order it, the fact that it happened on his campus wen he is the VC makes it the responsibility of the white haired good for nothing useless administrator Sh PB sharma.. and the RTIs i speak of yes he is accountable for the teams he is funding and the projects he is diverting tax payer money to.. oh our teams beat the teams from MIT, that statement in your DTU times is laughable at best.. most of these toys just get some consolation prize for appearance which is hailed as the next big thing . so please u who have no head and no understanding of research should atleast not dare to dispute what I am trying to say.. I have far more experience than your white haired mentored sh. Pb Sharma had at my age.. go ask him .

anyhow both you and PB sharma need to get your heads out of your own asses.. (btw this is not an abuse.. its an american clan.. since u are from jhumari tallyian i am sure to you it appears like an abuse.. cant help it dude!!) Oh everyone is trying to target me, everyone has a single point agenda, everyone wants to target me for I am soo pure, made of salt water and milk, bullshit..

ohh the right opportunity shall be the time of strike... I am sooo scared .. wat will i do?? the PB sharma's lapdogs and blood hounds are after me.. whr will I hide oh no.. like i said in my last post and the posts of facebook I have outgrown the sphere of influence casted by PB sharma and I take this wow that I will take 10 minutes from my busy life everyday to demystify all the blogposts appearing here.. game on people.. lets see who has more juice..

now the most eminent researcher on DCE campus has voiced his concerns against the ways of shri PB sharma, the credibility of this blogspot is again under question.. dude i couldnt care less if Pb sharma remain VC or not.. but the concerns i raise in my previous post are genuine and the fact that you claim to choose not to answer them tells me you for most part dont have enough IQ to understand them in the first place. I lied, I instigate, prove me that I lied.. talk about the fake biodiesel project, or the fake toy projects or this incubator that has been setup?? you think a student being the coordinator of a technology incubator is the right thing?? just a hogwash.. you need an entrepreneur in residence to run an incubator.. some one who has seen startup success and failures.. I dont see any entrepreneur in residence or dedicated expert to fosters product development from high tech ideas. To me this too seems like another useless infrastructure with a bunch of kids jumping around and wasting taxpayers money.

Tell it to any world class institution that the coordinator of an incubator is a 20 something kid and they will laugh at you.. and no disrecpect to this kid.. I dont know him personally but he is just a final year student I am sure he is very capable but this is not the way to setup any infrastructure.. I am looking forward to seeing real companies coming out from DCE not aglasem.com or some other bullshit venture with no head or toe or real product.. the money for setting up this cell and so-called secretarial support costs real money.. I wonder whr that comes from..

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